Thursday, September 27, 2007

time flys

my giddy aunt, is it friday already? where did this week go?? i have lots of cool books i want to share with you but i don't have time to scan them all in quite yet. so here is the obligatory flashback picture. my family were on the way to rotorua for a holiday. but when we got there, my older brother (the one in the dallas cowboys sweatshirt) had some kind of weird reaction to the sulphur in the air and his face blew up like a balloon. i like how each one of us kids is in our own little world in this photo...

p.s. i was on the radio this morning. i emailed the pic of the walkway i took last weekend into more fm's my taranaki photo competition, and i was this month's winning entry. i got a voucher for a framing gallery, which will be handy dandy, but i felt like a total dork talking on the air!

p.p.s. if you are anywhere near island bay this sunday, check out the marine bioblitz at the island bay surf club. i'll be doing face-painting there (i'm nervous!). it should be an interesting day and a neat way to celebrate local biodiversity.


Anonymous said...

i love the photos dont be nervovis about the face painting you will be great at it.Who is the lovely looking girl in your family photo love the hair

Anonymous said...

time does fly. I finally got a chance to view your entire blog site from the beginning. I only wish I could have gone to every site you had posted as they are all so irresistable. Is that your Mom or your sister in the photo? I don't know which brother is which. Keep up the good work. Those yoyos look too yummy and I'm to far away to enjoy those tasty looking treats. You are inspiring!

cloud of birds said...

hi janet, that's my sister in the photo-those are some pretty cool pants she's got on. yes, the yoyos were yum, but i am having a bad baking spell at the moment. i made a citrus loaf yesterday and it was not great. take care! i miss you and george!